When the player picks it up, it will be invisible. Also in the level, there will be a pick up sign for the Carcano M38. This is because the game tries to play the reloading animation and the movement animation at the same time. After the sound plays, the weapon will play its animation correctly. On the level Operation Husky, if the player has to reload but is using the bipod, the game will play the reloading sound, but not the actual action. M1919 Reload Glitch and Carcano M38 Glitch The player can jump into one of them, granting access to the inside of the building. On the ground floor, there are multiple windows. On the Eilendorph Ridge level, in the beginning before the firefight in the cemetery, there is a two story house that is on fire. However, when the player sees the soldier again after entering the building he can now be killed. If the player tries to attack the soldier in any way with any weapon, he will not notice the player or take any damage. The player is supposed to go around the front, however if the player goes around the back, there is a window the player can see an enemy through. In the level An Easy Detail there is a section where the player has to kill some enemies hiding in building, just after running out of the woods.

Please refer to the GameCube instruction booklet for more details." After that, nothing can be done, and the system must be shut off or rebooted to continue game play.Ĭall of Duty 2: Big Red One The Invincible Soldier Glitch When its cannon is fired, the screen will go black with white text saying something along the lines of "An unexpected error has occurred. Once out of the building, the M12 will get ready to destroy the building which has now been destroyed by the player. The player would then proceed out of the building, and continue through the level. If a rocket is shot into the multi-storied building at the end of the road in which the M12 was going to destroy, it should do its crumble animation as if the M12 destroyed it. Kill them, and take their Panzerschrecks. Once in the main stairwell, some Panzerschreck teams will spawn, shooting at the allied M12. On the final level that takes place in Aachen, the player would start by fighting their way out of a hotel-like building. 17.7 Rapid-Fire Mantle Glitch ( Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)Ĭall of Duty: Finest Hour M12 Firing Glitch.17.6 Third Person KillCam Glitch ( Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3).17.5 Multiple Attachments Glitch (Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3).17.1 RFOM Glitch ( Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War and Modern Warfare 2).16.1 Run Around After Match Ends Glitch.14.9 Duplicate Apothicon Servant Glitch.13.17 Attachments re-locking through Master prestige.13.15 Broken Orbital Care Packages in Exo Survival Glitch.13.10 Multiplayer Virtual Firing Range Glitch.

6.23 Leaving the Playable Area in Hidden.6.15 Primary Weapon in Last Stand Glitch.2.3 M1919 Reload Glitch and Carcano M38 Glitch.